Schlagwort-Archive: Dublin

Dublin – The last and final day

On the last day we went to the Epic Museum. After that we drove by train to the coast. We ate Fish and Chips. Than we went around the habour and looked at the ocean.

For dinner we ate rice or noodles with cream chicken. When we were finished with dinner we went to bed.

Dublin 3. Day

After breakfast, we first went to the Guiness Storehouse, where we were able to see the brewing process and the various ingredients of Guiness. We also found out that in the past 1000 barrels were produced in one week. Afterwards we had lunch, continued to look at the city and went shopping.

After lunch we went to a museum where many different animals were exhibited, there we also learned that Ireland used to be tropical. In the evening we went to an Irish pub.

Dublin 2. Day

We woke up at 7 a.m. and had breakfast at 8 a.m. Then we went to a cathedral. After that we went to the Dublinia and had a lot of interactive entertainments. At 12 a.m. we had free time in little groups. We were allowed to get some food and to explore  Dublin. After the free time we were shopping for the dinner. The dinner was at 7 p.m. In the evening we walked along the river and talked about a lot of things.

Dublin 1. Day

At 10.30 a.m we met us at the Airport in Hamburg. Then we said goodbye to the parent‘s and then we went to the Security check. The Airplain started at 12.55 p.m. We arrived in Dublin 2 p.m. We got our stuff and then we drove by Bus to the Hostel. In the evenning we walked around Dublin. At 7 p.m we ate pizza.

Then we had freetime. At 20:40 in the evenning we walked around Dublin again and saw some nice creations .The teacher were angry because some people disrespected the traffic rules.After this we went to the nice Hostel and went to bed.